TAK,CVISION 2077 Teenage Kicks Cyberpunk fanzine

"Idea"!!! planetarium brainstorm.... We have the power to heal ourselves and cure each other through Art; Musical emotions Experience;_ the vision of the Future Support Planet earth's Youth21' We are curing the world with wild poetry, graffity, pens and books "Visual concept" We are looking for sponsers/partnerships/volunteers!!! Join the Cybersphere___#We Are Real" tag:_ Indigo child: R(Evolution) Crystal adults mind MAKE ART NOT WAR MAKE LOVE NOT WAR "Join the community" Support an street artist,,,, "underground circuit" Buy Art!! Share Infomation! We believe in Knowledge! Reprogramming the Colective Unconsicous!!! "O Pensamento não esgota o Real" watch this Feelin'!!!*:)
