De Natureza Naturante a A Natureza Naturada #Every Heart Has a Divine Intelligence 'nd Natural Guidance SYstem" tag Albert Einstein "Experiência Estética como Conhecimento do Mundo"HEART MATH - HEART INTELLIGENCE, THE UNIFYING FACTOR - SPIRIT OF SCIENCE WELLCOME BROTHERS AND SISTERS_ READ2038.7 Op

heartmath :_ the integral elements of the model for who we are and what we can be are: thoughts feelings 'nd intentions we have every day Heartmath researchers say other factors such as appreciation and Love we have for someone; or the anger ans anxiety also influence and can alter (blue screens) the outcomes of each individual DNA blueprint
PlusHeartHeartMath _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "in contrast, the article continues "when we activate the power of our Hearts' commitement and intentionally have sincere feelings suche as appreciation, care and Love, we allow our Hearts' electrical energy to work for Us. Consciously choosing a care heart feeling over a negative one means intead of the drain and damage stress causes to our bodies systems, We are renewed mentally, physically and emotionally "emoções musicais" ... body and spirit responds so do DNA!
heart unicorn_____________________________________________________* still "heartfelt positive feelings fortify our Energy systems and nourish the body AT the cellular Level At Heart Math we call these emotions "Quantum Nutrients" Changind DNA through Intentions Heartmath researchers have gone so far as to show that physical aspects of DNA, could be influenced by Human intention _______ "Individuals capable of generating high ratios of Heart coherence were able to alter DNA conformations according to their intentions" ______________________________
intelligence "HEART INTELLIGENCE THE UNIFYING FACTOR ( Doc Childre's fouder of the Heart intelligence theory: the heart serves as a key access point through which information originating in the higher dimensional structure is coupled into the physical Human system (including DNA) and that states of heart coherence generated throught experiencing Heartfelt positive emotions increases this coupling The heart generates a much stronger magnetic field than the brains"immune support tonic
"Gravitaction is not responsable for people falling in LOVE" in, Albert Einstein "Dedicated to Mama and Papa are a rolling stone" Feel deep The deeper we go the higher we grow step by step stepping into the roof of our mind A new phenomenom "Improvise" confuse the genetic algorythm desambiguação das células_____________ mother-image
