TeenaGe Kicks:_ Cyberpunk vision fanzine process occuring Hi Wonderground! We Are Creating Essence in the world "Reality walls of mirrors"pp365

Hi We did a common question to some selected "friends" from the PLaneta earth_ This first Edition of the zine Teenage Kicks:_ Cyberpunk Vision fanzine will describe some colective teraphy based in Art Life Mythologie and Immortality _ throught Desire We are lookin' for sponsers partnerships and volunteers:_ We will try to get our "virtual" flyers with the Sun and flowers in The Spring_ The Awake!!! "Music"-"memory of the future"... The human being is Energy.... Let's activate some genetic codes... nd build a planeta that has been projected in a Galaxy... How to do it in your opinion? Each future? Theory of possible worlds
Hathor's Fire (musicians)_!! "The creation of music is the same as any communication at the source. All interaction, from the microcosmic, energy particles, chemical interactions, to DNA, to cells, neurons, tissues, all these things come together to create consciousness. In a way we are the voice of a universe, one speck of an eternal anatomy.
XICASSA VILAÇA (artista activista viajante no tempo!)
RE: Answer to this mundial question Muito interessante... I ve one more question for you♡♥ sequence of your thoughts We must confuse the genetic algorythm disambiguation of cells:)... So, Leonardo da Vinci said:__"Making beauty is making truth Does that means that the intelligence, creativity and the search for beauty is install in Human DNA? What's your opinion about the Cognition of the beauty as the main Human essence? Thank You!!
Yes I agree with You! Acredito, que o Artista tenha o poder de confundir o ego coletivo enquanto envia esse algoritmo ou beleza para o DNA da Humanidade, kind of a magician, ou um mago, alquimista, a lot artists not just the comercial one, some of them like Alan Moore, they use a art like a magican tool for exploring diferents stages of the soul and the Human conscience OR inconscience... The concept of beauty is very dangerous too, i believe WE want integrate the beauty like something is everywhere. maybe thats the way of transcending our human experience. Who knows!? Talking about beauty... in this moment, comes to my mind Art DADA and for sure Magritte, maybe more important then the "beauty" is our capacity of put in question about the reality we know & the perception we receveing by our senses, and we respond. "This is not a e-mail!!" Transferir:_
'ND the researcher Daniel Marçal and activiste for the cannabis plant as a Human fundamental right:_ Will talk about the endocannabinoide system and how it interacts with our mind and other systems, Nuclear to the body Homeostasis!!!
Wellcome *People of the Sun!!! We are Underground!! We have an Imaginarium Cyberpunk!! Mani other "issues" on our zine to "smell" very soon DNA Is Creativity Join The Community Our expert in Anima is the most recent member of our Dream Team!! I Introduce to the Wonderground:_ Dark Vampire!!!_ Vigo3037.
