1560791472_it s planetas reflex of Human criativity... "Slim"?? _ read:_Two potentially life-friendly planets found orbiting a nearby star “We will eventually see if they are actually habitable and, perhaps, even inhabited,” astronomers predict.100883_1560847702_sumario_normal*THE DOLL SO BEAUTIFUL AND EVERYTHING GET's Possible___ no limits to Imagination _ collage by Catarina Dinis Pinto and her "babes" nice vibe_ lybrary of objects_ linguistics abd semiotics .. Means: collages than you for the inspiration we can not loose coming from Her Soul our Inner worlds:)!!!____ rita


Ver:_ Ignasi Ribas:- Instituto de Estudos Espaciais da Catalunha_  os dois planetas descobertos orbitam em volta de Teegarden_:  uma estrela fria localizada a 12,5 anos -luz do Sistema Solar_ Foram nomeados os dois planetas descobertos: Teegarden B e C:_
The Doll
wellcome to Z Sputnik planeta
we manifest as criativity
whan your fantasy
throuhgt my 
my deepest
Non real Time

d12aa1231b0a8e717d142eb17cefe479 worldshttps://m.dailyhunt.in/news/india/english/news24+english-epaper-newstwen/planets+similar+to+earth+discovered-newsid-120624968
