"They transform limits into ... "Limiar"_ Panteão Lusitano_ mithos to create_ Or another parallel universe where Sun if felt and heart becomes Mind_ reads minds_ in protection of Arte we could be Lovers as a highly Parfum how we could break on trhth to the other side "_ I want mushrooms2_ to keep my Senses alive from the living deeper One consciousness, or Imaginarium Heartfelt in the brains "my menthal body" is been feeding by "you"_ earth's girl_ POwer: Air Water Fire and learnin« how to walk "slowly"_ not to be against the world "_ alone" in the dark we should be drinkin+ the subliminal flow_ feeling infinite two and i suppose i love you babe "do you need some rock and roll"?_______ Panteon_

"Sensual" Worlds_
aesthetic and the cognition of the BEAUTY
a cognição do Belo
"aristóteles"_ thinkers:!_
