JAMES HART STERN ._Neo-Nazi group's leader is Black man who vows to dissolve it ... Houston Defender ... 2012 file photo, James Stern of Jackson, Miss., at a news conference in Jackson, Miss. One of the largest and oldest neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. appears ...209_fake power:_"dissolve"_ National Socialist Movement[edit] On February 28, 2019, the Associated Press reported that, according to Michigan corporate records, in January Stern had replaced Jeff Schoep as the leader of the National Socialist Movement, a long-standing white nationalist organization. How Stern became the leader is not known, but he has said that he wants to use his position to undermine the group. Stern filed documents with a Federal court in Virgina, asking that it issue a judgment against the NSM before one of the Unite the Right rally-related lawsuits pending against the group went to trial.[_USA,.'2019

Fight the Power51pB64


Segundo a Associated Press o movimento nacional socialista está sediado na cidade de Detroit, no estado do Michigan. James Hart Stern é activista negro e veste-se com uma nova "roupa" e é o novo Líder do NSM, cujos membros se vestem em uniformes nazis completos - ver marcha de Toledo, Ohio 2005
Além deste movimento neo nazi, James H. Stern quer 
"erradicar o Ku Klux Klan_
Há sugestões e sequências
em associação a BlackKKausman
do político Spike Lee_
mad minds
"Os eleitos"
está a "dissolver"
movimento intelectual:_
o planeta não precisa de irracionalistas supremacistas brancos
Gaia tem a mesma "COR"


  1. ...but they didn t want the Power Thay wanna to Change The WORLD.. Infilfrados DO sistema


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