_Sicker than "vicious"_fall

We ve felt the most higher level of Lov when growin up for our world for our Love wolf is the motherfucker spell... He has been copied and heartfelt by the freakie girl as a deepes words ..against the harm... Evertyhing is Love the way i Feels, and global warning from a Kryptonik warrior souldjer :_ the P44 is the planeta copy monitorized by "bush" and kkk, the most higher clown is justin bieber a anti creative pink gay butterflie i ve said go get aesthetic he does mimetica and he has "uglly" copied the dirty unconscious gesture from Shady, "fuck you bitch" you are a mechanic russian doll and you want to betray me... I teld in secret to himothing to harm fore, and if he were CIA i was a 2babe from KGB Coctail.... W continuar a emitir na onda da projecção "Alpha".... not afraid and i get heroes by the deepest road whan everytime the beat of heart becomes Heart .... a punk pós wave movement, "don t wastee your time" _ "Tha Clocks time" _we prefer the original "Lov yoU" *_rita_Thank youhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYjdfrEyWG8 "i am glad"  U mean cristals ,,, "babe" should we turn atmospheric fractal blue? I thiink on "you"_"Nighty"n Shady
