A noite em que o PCP enterrou a Revolução ...´pode ser facil chegar a opressor ... mundos mentais, a realidade escorre, o povo quer curtir, REspeito!

Tha Night the Revolution was buried ..... in Eden .... by communist party in parke da rabada festival, free but no conditions creatif for the musiciens ... some bands kame far away they no pay expenses with travels, no cachet creatif to buy books, disques parfums travel and share visionáry knowledge ... so what these party have done thAT night and some other alive artistique existencial manifestations to explore the senses and to travel into the roof of my mind censORSHIP and they did not play .... i wonder what they pretend from FFE ... the guitar player was asking to the responsables of testing sound, munition to the bass, dirty sound, but it s highly preferebly than a Madono or any other pop expression !!!!!!!!! So, let s see what are U doing to alvaro cunhal soul ?? Rita, stop they ar system looking 4 power selling the revolution ?? hmmm strange ... That s is art manipulation. I like the concert of 74 e FFE the only i saw even if i was in jams with better sound, but a live is always a live. On stage, they kill the fascists hard and loud ... fo r some of tha few, to whom kan understand the same language ...... The comunist party is selling is soul ....... I want APril back ....... warning ... Pay attention to what u are doing to my song !!!! test test test We are ok rita !!! They are transform themselves in capitalist animals .......... Há que acreditar que a desconstrução do estado e da autoridade jazz foi feita ha muitos anos atras ha m ais ideias, ha quem nao se submeta, rebuild !!! bakunine e godwin sabia disso, mas ja la vao anos e anos e tudo igual no universo paralelo mental onde os valores sao coisas bonitinhas meras abstracções ... Eu protejo me com proudhon " quem tentar governar me é um tirano, um usurpador: declaro o meu inimigo " ..... vut , wrong monsieur system PUNKS NOT DEAD .... Dedicado a todos os que lutam pela constatação da art !! andam a formar geraçoes de pseudo comunistas qye nem sabem o significado de APU .... A rita gostou das escuras frequências de som, mas não tolera faltas de respeito pela Revolução. Vou escurecer o planeta e quero ver o que esses palhaços vao fazer !!!! Lavagem cerebral wow, Me !
