Objec:_ neuroperception_ Structure what they are trying333/a

Hi I must see if you are Real
309a_ a new franz kafka variation of nazism vs communisme and unanimity against the Anarchas or the minds of tha free... Illuminati and Opus Dei on the way? How they manipulate genética? Anonymous research: Since #14# the control is spiritua_ leads us to the priests and the popes Which are their plans to manking? Which are their beliefs? the only law of the mind is creativity "They mean illness and disease" in a world under global "surveilence" connectin' wikileaks and snowden... Bio war? Bio weapon? Bill Clinton is not a Doctor I can not obbey to the economist vision of Health life or freedom They want us chipped and Vaccined with witch vírus? madona has strange beliefs.... She means imposition and plagio of creativity so basic as travellers in the sound- empty feeling non Intelectual "lover mind" as it is supposed to be in the Underground i can interview her and see what is real on their universe They control Human minds throught the beliefs unconscious or the way we feel 4 robots ... Study time!! keep yourself anonymous we just do the questions and we want answers obbeying to human logical; human criativity We are looking for solutions not problemas "get it viral" Hi, i am a blogger and a investigative independent journalisme_ "they knew what is going on since Woodstock and 31_ "La resistance française" Resist think and action i need some U2... 
Please if you have any information share it
"information is power" and is the "basis of eficients systems" Everything is vibrational even DNA responds to invisible flows of energia or vibrations "mind processes electromagnética"_ Cybernética... Cyberwar! We will improvise (A)_ thank you
Amarante, Anonyma Portugal
