
A Arte para Kant implica uma espiritualização da sensibilidade e da vontade VOCALS


Picture1-4 Cosmos e contexto

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Espiritualidade quântica =

O amor espiritual ou universal é conhecimento sentimental Todas as emoções são psíquicas. Eu ilumino emano luz os corpos deixam de ser físicos e passam a corpos energéticos, vibracionais!! E#spiritualidade Quântica:_1ac

A arte é multidimensional Activar: Percepção artística Penso que a procura do Belo está instalada no DNA humano...

Goodreads K4 O Quadrado Azul by José de Almada Negreiros



As pessoas que mais admiro são aquelas que nunca acabam Almada Negreiros

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The Psycho Path

I am a work in progress!

Leonardo Davinci says Making beauty is making truth in a theory does that means that the criativity intelligence and the search of beauty is installed in human s DNA? the cognition of the beauty the main essence?! theory of possible worlds "universos paralelos"


"Music: memory of the future... The Human being is energy; vibrational bodies Let's activate some genetic codes and build a planeta that has been projected in the galaxie... How to do it? Each future? theory of possible worlds

Promethea-America-Best-Comics-Sophie-Bangs-Alan-Moore-Character profile.yZ1


If i could run to you to make me deeper in worlds complex beats image light and sound carries energy the cognition of the beauty perception! Future! "The future is in my mind" LTJ AND I a discipule inspirational flow my body keeps on dancing for the one i love and my mind holds de key cool breeze over the mountain We can not loose coming from your soul my inner worlds mind loves mind How to escape from the matrix Us the projected Us the projecteurs Creating illusions under the moonspell Nocturnal walk you are art "the invisible frequency" a higher rythm of the body mind searches for mind since the very beginning you are a flower stairaway to sun "illuminates" DNA - How to activate genetic codes" I ve been crawling in immortality ritualistic art intelligence and creativity is waht stands besides time Criativity has soul immortalizes the author a wizard a powerfull source of freedom to Imagination input - Hi from Neptune Stargirl AVATAR

IMG_6C0791D334EA_1.0 o interior de um Polígono

LOVE EXPANDS "They use a art like a magician tool for exploring different stages of the soul and their conscience or inconscience" ppab

Posfácio Especial Alan Moore: V de Vingança - Posfácio


Leighton-God_Speed! amor cortês! evolução!

- Porque todo amor é um romance épico. Amor Medieval -viajamos carregamos o peso de mistérios ancestrais mixados com lendas urbanas façam o vosso imaginarium "Medieval" bora lá reunir com a Irmandade do Sol eu amo eu aprende eu cresço Amor medieval! o que nós protegemos