monólogo DAY Cults to Life Art RHyme Poético into disorder_ Time Caos in mind Love should not be lost in an empty space whare the streets have no name we walk now in silence we ritualize we protect art ... Lovely Ian _ The brotherhood of the Moon_ "as dirty walkers"_ to make girls grow for their Inner world- Lovers we should be ... Of... the Power of the Sun' métrica of music "teraphy"_ I am caos_ "Subversion" u all mean_ Wonderground_ sounds Lik Infinity julho 16, 2019
Hi you tell me that music has no bounderies, calling maybe the limiar to feel in mind the secret order of cosmos as the Pithagoric school Thinks? you play a trash hardcore jazz or a fusion between very different or not worlds of sounds_ The band has an extrasensorial sinergy performance. This mean we could describe their music as a point of view of science And artists creates new artistique and scientific symbols... feeling is also knowledge 3 can music be intelectual4 there are frequencies that disconnects Humans heart from nature. Should music be a more researchable target in the way of a colective teraphy with Dance as ritual and the waves meaning "brightness" and intelligent heartfelt in the brains. Everything is electromagnética even fantasy and Imagination Art brings the invisible side of reality "how do we process that" related with your music Finally: alpha_ the beginning The musiciens produces more alpha frequenies instead of Beta as antique researchs use to "mentioned" than non musiciens How can we induce a alpha wave meaning a "inner circle" of being and if can u take people to higher levels of Sense. The whole is contained in all the parts all the parts are contained in the whole_ WE WALK IN SILENCE NOW
_by nightly thoughts_"invisible"joy-division-3 the end the stage is empty the spectators doesn t know how they feel musicians are back to the future to bring new knoeledge to >Human tag: IMMORTAL
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