intervalo para a Imaginação a coffee break to Imagination flowin as a scream of outomn_ girls fullfilled of dreams_ IMAGINATION AND SENSUALITY:_CINÉ REAL PAST SCREENINGS - 7e824d41a2814bf0 |CINÉ REAL bye see you next brain vortex orange and blue the personages can read girl s mind she has a beer she lays in bed watching movies looping cinematique sensations and reality multiplies she goes out for some fish and chips She feels Love how about Me in a vertigo game of spionnage i got envolved in a random game with my personages!!! My Creative process oppen mic "green screens" it will bring hydrogenio from the rings of saturn the man is neon he comes from Neptune he tyhrought butterflies i am a maniac too there s light all over mirrors ..... "Everywhera" don t touch they have no reflex?! What do you think
What we protect in the name of the free minds We move alone directors of the movie of planetarium state of soul soul connectin' parallel worlds FUSION WHEN THE KIDS ARE UNITED WE GET BURNING FLAMES OF DESIRE TO MAKE DREAMS COMES TRUE THE DEEPNESS OF BEING A FREE ENTITY AS THE ARTISTS AND MUSICIENS "O Limiar"_!
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