"boundless minds"_ Sem Limites Dangereuse Liasions "fatal attraction" _ We have the right to seduce LOVE AND LIFE:_ a "reading"
It is however undeniable that virtual reality has the potential of "inauguration configurations" of Identity characterized by "UNPRECEDENT FLUIDITY" ... discours and narrative of the Speech:_ (creating and recreating new artistique and scientific symbols)... "___ ´nd art brings the Sublime: "The Feeling of Infinity" I want Immortality to "Neo" escaping from the Time "planeta'" Matrix!!! (T)he Ultimate VR exPerience is a philosophical Experience, probably the Experience Of th Sublime or AWASOME the final point of a virtual world is "to dissolve the constraints - restrições - of an anchored world so that we can lift anchor not to drift aimless without point, but SO we can Explore anchorage in ever "NEW PLACES"_ Faites votre Imaginarium CyberPunk3038'8 the Place to BE!! boundless worlds "Science does not reflects the real but produces it according to Human Perception and Projections. It is no longer a matter of adapting the ideal to the real, but rather of making the real conform the "IDEAL"_ "Reality is a hall of mirrors" Realm ("reino")_pp.36# _ "conto"_ Fairy tale!!!!!
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