Redemption Song - Joe Strummer_ Sound healings we are getting some answers to develop Ideas Copy rights reserved by the Original or me girl from air earth breathes humans are getting infected? "How" we won t allow the wrong frequency against our therapy! 5 sentidos "transmudação de alma"? Energia o nível Olá Bom dia na ressaca de um dia livre tudo a amar tudo a beijar D. Musician S. Kinesioteraphy "cleanning unconscious with nature and music" not metha no narcotize the power of the people? i understand Gaia a Projectar! You must add your Idea to brainstorm!!! thank you People of the Sun Carla Bento_*
Portanto temos Sentir é tudo de todas as maneiras a vida como Flow artístico educar o corpo veículo as ondas hipnóticas certas... Mente espiritual? E se o Pensamento se materializa? As últimas camadas magneticas invisíveis da Terra irradia.. Energia ou "virus' é o Pensamento humano pessoa dizia: sentimento pensamental pensamento sentimental.. Fusão... Comentários.. Conversas que fluem.. Como eu digo energia crossin' matheria Bergson ponto de contacto quando o espiritual toca a matéria ou pessoa, espiritualizar a matheria materializar a alma Que mundos alternativos então?
Em 15/06/2020 9:541. Is music a science that could prepared human unconscious (feelings) and Imagination to higher meanings a deeper sense of Thought? Do you believe music is the secret order of the Cosmos? How?- A música é uma forma de criação libertária. Quando pensadas formas perde a natureza hipnótica.
*everything is frequency and responds to frequency.
2. If everything is Geometria how music can be an educational motif to the emotional system (Structure)? Or equilibrium? Do you also thing music is a Number? Which one? Why?- O 8, um infinito de possibilidades sem olhar ao deitado ou de pé, depende do dia...
*Music and sound does not get processed through the rational/logical brain.
3. How the right music can interacts with your ADN? Is there "right music"? Sounds that the Galaxia is a vibration. The Human Being is energia... An Healing Space? Can music be physical if we allowed an sinestesic connection?- Muda estados, altera humores, cria reacção, relaxa a mente, banda sonora de sensações.
*music/sound effects mind, body and spirit.
4. Is there any possibility of using music or the right frequencies to control a mind? OR even a reality? Is music a deity?- Depende das mentes de amor e torturas
*yes! In a positive or negative way.
5. How about the Resonance Project? And if we amplify the sound and make it real....... We could connect the world by subliminal ways? "by waves"? What is the meanning of Alpha the beginning....?- a electricidade é audível6. And Omega the End?- junção de camadas
*i don't really know.. You'd have to know what you were doing..
- alma7. The psycotherapie holotropique means breathe and music... More ideas related that we could have to add?
*Find out which frequencies help you breathe..its individual.
8. Is sound physical?- 5 sentidos
*one very often feels it on a physical level but not always.
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