The Waterboys-Don't Bang The Drum (This Is The Sea 1985) DO YOU FEEL IT "I dont know why"_ they ve make us cry,, they ve treat Us like beast "surrounded galaxies" We Came In Peace : _ Music is a spiritual thing: The MUsic! The DJ! And Me" DOnt banG thA Drum_ alive and Kickin' so Rage against the "machine" don t disconnect "please" from Earth frequencie_ Keep Us alive Breahte move slowly not to be contrary to the Law of ... GRAVITY!!! wow fuckin' Shit"_ We are the Underground Resistance from the future, cyberwar, thet saY "spies and hackers together can detect the virus" instead:_ "don t forget to feel" i prefer.... Strong.... Emotions.... Than..: "Weaker" ones__ Be "Entity"_ Music;: A Deity! RESPEKT
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