Alucinações musicais relatos sobre a música e o "Cérebro"_

I drink every word you spell
as a mechanic doll fullfilled of
dreams_ and we could not die my mind_
higher rythm higher rhyme_ skies kissin' Earth_ is becomin' night-
we should be eternal light or deeper 
of immortal bright_ you and me the crossroads between Days mad sad boys playing
the wildest game
the insane vision
comin' from Pan, is that Spiritual not War make art_ They can not arrest Criativity____
give people a voice
on the land of the free
the tribal beat
having the Fire 
I Breathe Air
And Dance on Water,
as whisper in the
A new Urban Pagan Myth_ we add everything that is beautiful and genial to our Irrealigious vein_ Blood pact_ Sisters in Love
Make kiss
come true
in my mind to you
Heartfelt in the brains circuit
"_Alucinações Musicais 
: Relatos sobre A Música e o Cérebro_
"short film"
___* Liam C, Na Revolução anti burguesa_
supostamente os sentidos não são mais interditos
o que conecta com o nosso EU Deusa
"deusa de mim própria"
I do it for fun_
rita code1909
