they are arresting people "Everywhere mirrors" image(333) _(*see "Turkish"_"globo" a emitir_rita sniper_1111234323123345677777798101 get it viral_ "Atmosphere" Everything is Real? Everything is ImaginaTion!))))/* "estrutura!"? _ Não Há História? Não Há Real? Há Desejo _*Todo o movimento É causado por outro movimento_ "get iT viral"_*A Perfect "wave"_Light mind and sound carries Energia_ Void Sessions "projecting" non recorded Ideas_"Copy" 'Nd "Deform".... The Original? Whom why how they became "REAL" A fram(e) has twenty seconds- to a spider girl from Mars_"red radiation" Love_Source of Sublime the feeLin' of "Infinite" recorded!!! "vinyl"_85'

The graffiti has a substance that expands Energia
Girl from Sputnik
"pink radiation"
i lik it Hard trash Pop
"the wave"
"creative people"
