"The way we Pray"_ Circles from a view to a 666_ "a forma geométrica mais perfeita"_ as origens e o movimento "evita" a entrada do "mal"_ Scene from thw 313 "Underground"; Dear4 Slim :_ "protect yourself"_ behave "normally" we are getting physical by another deep ride under the skin .... "Waht a perfect Colour for you"_ I lov you2 babe It s Energy or the hands up smile by the awake of the gods_ pagans and lords all adoring "your" Criativity_ Full circle of Hip Hop_!!! "Essence"_ "You People" Reprezent!!!!!!! you are so clean!!!!
"The way we Pray"_ Circles from a view to a 666_ "a forma geométrica mais perfeita"_ as origens e o movimento "evita" a entrada do "mal"_ Scene from thw 313 "Underground"; Dear4 Slim :_ "protect yourself"_ behave "normally" we are getting physical by another deep ride under the skin .... "Waht a perfect Colour for you"_ I lov you2 babe It s Energy or the hands up smile by the awake of the gods_ pagans and lords all adoring "your" Criativity_ Full circle of Hip Hop_!!! "Essence"_ "You People" Reprezent!!!!!!! you are so clean!!!!