falso documental "*Improvisar e Suster a Sensação de Realidade"_Cybergirl:_Purpre beats_follow the Sun Energia_we are followers from hippies cities with girls in pink neón_brightness We decide to stop looking for the light We Decided to become it Instead_ magnetic irradiation Zsputnki P43, Thoe original creation_ what happen's when we are copping :_ No universo geométrico tudo regressa à sua forma natural_ ou será o vacuum
(?)_ We are not believers anywat Us share a collective consciousness_bringing knowledge from the new future surrounded galaxies
earth girl
main control calling main control calling
Sputnik red alert emissions
Sputnik red alert emissions
_"Cultural ADN"_*transmission
she lost control
Joy Division
"keep teta alta beta I stay on Beta...
O imaginarium é todo ele fantasia e sensualidade,
eu gosto, LiamX Na Revolução Cultural anti burguesa_
they burn books,
they copy,
do rhw wrong thung
And they make de original desappear
... E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G
is real
_erro:_ o som não se propaga no vacuum
Utopia, Liberty and Sovereignty in Cyberspace
The author discusses the challenges that cyberspace and
the risk of cyber attacks bring to statehood sovereignty
and the freedom of the citizens. The libertarian-anarchic
utopia, which dominated in the early days of the internet, is gradually giving way to mechanisms of control
and affirmation of state sovereignty, including the creation of “borders” in cyberspace. This trend, albeit in
different ways, can be detected both in authoritarian
states and the western liberal democracies. It is also
recognizable in the organization of the military by the
creation of a cyber command. We also can find it in the
IGO related to security and defense like NATO, which
includes the threat of cyber attack in the new strategic
concept document.
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