falso documental "*Improvisar e Suster a Sensação de Realidade"_Cybergirl:_Purpre beats_follow the Sun Energia_we are followers from hippies cities with girls in pink neón_brightness We decide to stop looking for the light We Decided to become it Instead_ magnetic irradiation Zsputnki P43, Thoe original creation_ what happen's when we are copping :_ No universo geométrico tudo regressa à sua forma natural_ ou será o vacuum
(?)_ We are not believers anywat Us share a collective consciousness_bringing knowledge from the new future surrounded galaxies
earth girl
main control calling main control calling
Sputnik red alert emissions
Sputnik red alert emissions
_"Cultural ADN"_*transmission
she lost control
Joy Division
"keep teta alta beta I stay on Beta...
O imaginarium é todo ele fantasia e sensualidade,
eu gosto, LiamX Na Revolução Cultural anti burguesa_
they burn books,
they copy,
do rhw wrong thung
And they make de original desappear
... E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G
is real
_erro:_ o som não se propaga no vacuum

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