Eminem_ Or the suggestive sounds of bringin' a new surrounded sound systema_ Presenting to the Galaxia_Kamikaze_ She could go faster But she didn t knew whicj were their beliefs _ eu gosto de ti sem me importar com as tuas crenças "A" 313_Kryptonik red alert "vibration"_"means more mature" means more deeper and aware of the "movie" hey you_ You can not fall_ Poems? Feels hard pink and battle of words_ Riders on the Storm Happy19_ "Ano Lunar"_
_4444_"Keep truth to yourself"_ I am real We are Real_They are not :absolute beginners, bowie's so and so Red... "propjection" prophecia Us the projected
"Us the Projecteurs"
dre_(How's "Jade"_Party to "red square?" 111 "guardar"_ Ladies and Gentleman we are inviting now the voices and bodies from the underground, to listen to what is this sound that i ve never heard before soundsso cool
i can imagine
waving on thrue
to the walking on the other side,
we could not loose
minds reading mindsohw
I wish
you could read
my secrets deepest
the vacuum does not tolerates the mouvement neither the sound can get "Propagation" in void
so, we call the drummers of earth
boys of fired lakes
_ Why Kamize induces to a Evolutive "New" order of the Eminem Show?! He presents a more complete fullfilled of new rymes and words, a metrica between lines that become subliminal to a revolutionary mind :_ "More mature" for sure. Fall is the proof whan People is asking these last monthes where i ve been_: He has came from future, vertigo multidimensional words gettin' worlds flyeing as a wild bird_sharink "emotional knowlodge" sabotage the absolute conception of "nothing" breathing
ANd Life!
He is the man who knew too much
But he is aware of the fallin« of the hells
between friends
we could not died
we sounding like an immortal
or Poetry
between deities
Sabotagem e Respeito,
as duas princiais linhas de toda uma carreira
e obra, e "A multidimensionalidade" do artista
And the reward for a genius is
astonishing urbana fall
the higher i go the deeper i grow
" a supernature view" of a white rap who commands the World
he knows everything
he is the Connector
with dre and me,
the girl
who loves
to fight
to have some
party and fun
for getting underrated time
absolute beginniers of the show
how can them clone a higher mind
great minds think allone
we wont no allow
the wrong frequency
in the colective Imaginative
Thay can not arrest Art
ãrte interdit
quando os Sentido sobrevoam em cores disparam em todas as direcções
_O mais recente trabalho de Eminem, que conta com Lucky You num vídeo que torna um suspeito caso de tortura em_ "Arte transgressiva" E é o que a música de Slim Shady _ He fucks your mother
fuck the norm
we won t obbey
i am so rage agains them
they say jum you just say how high
brain dead
Zazk poem's in Future vertigem e Pensamento
And cause of US the reality can never
like "Stan"
Paris show
a book by morrison
the snakes
the vision
~it get s so warm
no harm
no evil
is allowed
4 construction
u can reduce every concept to nothing
But not the way it "
Feels" is hard pink,
as pop great season
hard pop,
a rapcore
We walk on the water
the train can not wait
the clock is preparing
the new era stage
body expression
girl loves boy
we bring the Blow
to "larger" surrounded and next galaxies
We feel all
i get attraction to the way I feel
connecting menthal body
to mind
on Teta between
Dreammers of Genius
protecting alquimia
making some "black magia"
with spelling words
"negativo" da fotografia_31777
keeping the 313 party_
the revolution we made_90
os rapazes exibem poderes do Fogo como se tivessem atravessado dimensões surrealistas e visionárias em que no regresso todos os significados se alteram, _ Amar O pensamento, a escrita em Eminem flui, revelando-o como o mais proeminente "produtor" de letras que vão mais além, derrubando o simplismo da composição que afecta a grande parte dos artistas comerciais que chegam do outro lado do Atlântico. Até porque, sendo Portugal, uma democracia com pouco mais de 40 anos, esta abriu as portas do povo à música que se fazia na terra dos sonhos, para onde todos sonhavam ir "A terra das oportunidades The Land of the Dreams_ Amérika*
_kids agains the norm in "compositon"
new configuration_90
annalogue effects_
surrounded Nineteen's
Contigo o real n/ pode esgotar
Obrigada, Eminem
pelo Despertar
de reais
uma gaija urbano Depressiva
e ler Baudelaire
em Pére Lachaise
_burning candles
flowers yealllows
we could not stop

_installing game?
read Holographia
as esferas tocam esferas
as esferas são azuis
"love in my mind"
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