Só com conversa, It s a song, I was the punk trash girl Manager_ O bruninho diz que o próximo alvo (Target) is Bezegol, tugaland rapper Stop killing our prophets _ Todos um alvo, e eles atiram "a matar"_ oU "a Bater palmas"_ Stop killing our prophets2_ 'cause of them the CIA want to accuse Ryhana and Yhe Illuminats from crimes they ve never commit, "See" Margarida Duarte Androud "Lista de Suspeitos: Killed it Puppets Killed it Confirm_ "incest"_ Shady "god rapper"_ see whom are your friends, tell "a story" talk to Maurício and Lie to them
A PIDE (polícia política portuguesa)_DGS_ "anotava nos concertos quem batia palmas aos músicos mais calorosamente a Apaixonadamente":_ Red_ Mexico "borders"_ "You ll meet Friends"_ See you "clean people" _ "Everything" cuz we say NO
"under vigilance" cross "words"
a word is a bird
ramones girl
"give the wrong names"
i hope you read it _ "Eminem"!! "#The Hip Hop Show must go ON"
these are documents of Political "Censorship" and "Religious Censorship"
the Proof "Democracy is dead"
Vive L' Anarchie
the Proof "Democracy is dead"
Vive L' Anarchie
O António Pedro Ribeiro, poeta maldito e sociólogo da Cultura da Revolução "Vai contra Marcelo E é Candidato a Presidente da República portuguesa!!! Estou "in"
"solar day"19
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