Higher Rythm of the "bodies"_mind Love Minds since the "beginning"_:)_the red prophecia "vibrational"
is the main rhyme of poetry and higher rythm of "mind" of the body menthal bodyIntelectual Lov loving minds since the ... "beggining"_ as a naturaL born killer girl ... keepin' a killer pen an outstanding concept of becoming menthor from the angels falling from Hell:)) "É como uma canção revolucionária em que predomina a Força da Poesia e do Amor Inteligente, o que determina a força e a "coerência" o amor que faz Crescer livre mais alto do que o Pensamento sometimes blue and i think on you powers under control as fire rings from tha bad boys, in a red lake of fire, don t go to heaven where the angels died and the bad boys dies, naked minds I wish red orange thoungs girl _hi
Carmen Costa rock revolucionário "indigo powers band"
TemptationSeduction** NothitHng "sexual" cause bodies don t touche but they create powerfull levels of energia
Carmen Costa rock revolucionário "indigo powers band"
TemptationSeduction** NothitHng "sexual" cause bodies don t touche but they create powerfull levels of energia

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