As divas e os deuses Criam os semi-deuses transformam _Hit the road Joack, i know i ve this feeling no more no more
carmen.costa*:The menthor:_
with intimate riffs
girls loosin' control
we dance in caos
evertyhing feels perfect
in a higher level of the body
...."The next DAY!!!!!!"
becomin« all personages
breathin« movin« as stars
"Do you feel groovie?"
"freakies in slow motion"
addicts to Sound
junkie music
whare we can "understand"
the voices
are from the Wonderground
OZ_mapa (*)
Genius deserves as a reward Immortality by_*79 "Everywhere"
we move as butterflies
electrick shocking?
we came from the dream
i can brightly
have a "private concept"
of everything
Tha absolute meaning of creation
"rituals" adding new miths new beautiful myths to "meine" religion
woiw so irreligious
as a "moonspell"
a scream from the brotherwood of the Princes
the fall of darkness between two eternities?
"Mirrors"_ Tha Absolute Beginner :_
Liam C.
in, "Pública"
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