"The New Pagan* _1Conception of School: Creating free minds and the autonomy to be a grow up world .... Jared Leto "plays the role of the "menthor" since 68/ two Barcelona where thay ve arrested Criativity "Cataluña Free" Blue the 313!
rita_SZ_planeta paralelo criativo_TrangeometriAAa_UNIVERSE306menthr1!Oi tudo bem? Fora o tédio que me rodeia todas as 32 horas por dia
"Os djs controlam o Tempo"?
Somos Ultra Criativos
Energia atrai energia igual
medo atrai energia igual
toda a lei do pensamento é criativa,
Garotos Podres
A new talented kid is been protected by ARTE Becoming Heart:_*_*
SZ_planeta paralelo criativo_TrangeometriAAa_UNIVERSE33.06 realidades ficicionadas_Z_2010
but still a warrior of gold bye see you next brain vortex
.... Psychanalysis of reality" ....? Medication of "Poetru"?!!
Mourning rain and brains connecting "#soul"
Mourning rain and brains connecting "#soul"
Name 1
should these kids see a shrink? attention to the rebuilding of red poison jesus!
Ate them the Anti Christ?
no They are just a 2kidx creating new worlds
by "Té"
WE are girls
I came by Arte!
Dont't dream your Life Live your Dream"
Okupa graffiti*
Dont't dream your Life Live your Dream"
Okupa graffiti*
North_Pt****/ 02 de Julho de 2017
A Festa Amarantina é a 7! Está agendada "jam"
"party code dress" ha
thank you
... "confirm"
I am free to be
.... Clock time now
thank you for the higher inspiration
it s all about the way you wanna hear your feelings
step by step stepping into thee roof of my mind
a new phenomenon
mysthical sound me and Ltj and Mc
get progression sessions
...* "work on blue scree"
"blue" boy ... the 111
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