Should Us intelectualize the reality between DAY?! Why Drake is becoming a musical reference

Drake smashes The Beatles record by claiming SEVEN of the Top 10 slots in the Billboard charts

Since Fire and Desire or a "Boy" coming from the hell  "red""A view to a 6"...knowns by Drizzie warns "I came to touche your soul" Unfortunally the beat was stolen by a fake creator who supports everyhting that means "exhibicionisme" in the view scene? os power? or "information for selling" ... Adolfo knew it, the only result would be a copy as they ve tries with the holy inquisition burnin' the original books? To protect copies? Yhe nationalistes from Galixia knew .... "Everything" Is a necessary need to claim for methaphysical whan it reprezzents Drake. Music to bring peace to your mind? "YOU" Music to educate souls. Yhank you,  who knows Drake's work and world and the original and multiple way he expresses Him rap, knows the curses of "blessed" people..  To be Loyal "yo" to the game" As Pac used to claim" He has makin History last evenning: He smashes the 2pop corn band Beatles and it means a serious case of reprogramming and adptation to the panoramic "beat" worlds ....A Word is a Word the simbolist were believers in Emotion. the neurocients "chéri" drinking paris absint: Feelings are knowledge too!  Why music should n t stop. Cause we pray the same ... way becoming godesses and Lovers between Day between friends, I told Em* he is under evolution "Lik" you.. It reprezents! A new conceptual arte of making modernity wit vision s caming from the prophecie red?" I am an orange mind girl, and i should stop rhyme the speelllin' word, Love And Liberty as the unique basis for a higher level of the bodie's criativity. I am happy! Choose your side, and i ve stop for a while,r esearching the undone courage of "someone" always theres between rainny "sad".. You are blue to me, always writting a new surrounded "screen" Do you think "Blue" spheres are blue and touches shperes?! And the "magnetisme"? Did you know even the brain is electromagnetic neurologic menthal images !"processing element one" Survivers from the Last apocalispe where's Wizzie he is my menthal body lollipop, the cure for pain has a new step before has began .. "an electrical phenomenon"?! Noosphere is mind energy ... "to see" what s mean for you and for me ... is it Noosphere so blue2? I think i love you, "I need to be a Lover" of Futuristic "Boy"...... " A thought is energy" A thought is a "vibration" ... connectin' to "GALAXIE"
Liam C.
In the Cultural Revolution
_portugal the man
the are not projecting anymore
US becoming .... "DREAM*"
