Hi, I ve been crawling in the fuckin' beat as the ...perfect... beat... Extra hip hop Intelligente beings To Be, the answer blowing in the wind, like fractal "breathe" the hearts beats at the same sincrony that planeta earth, we can do a inner chain by subliminal way to be colective as One as the whole all the parts are contained in the whole the whole is contained in al the parts."It s circles" getting it physical or real you are real to me withe the meaning of original mind or soul... the same status of wild purity the necessary basis for evolution-so you kee the fight with Imagination? criativity stimulates higher levels of criativity
dia solar (3)
pinceladas de azul
espelhos fractais
vortex cerebral
4.44 ooo1Zyclon
dia solar (3)
pinceladas de azul
espelhos fractais
vortex cerebral
4.44 ooo1Zyclon

"genius is insanity made sane by dilution in the abstract like a poison converted into a medicine by mixture. It s obvious the genius involves an adaptation to abstract environment which is formed by the general nature of mankind which is common to all nations 'nd to all the times; The proper reward of genius is therefore Immortality. It needs a realistic to find reality; It needs a romantique to create it" dedicated to Slim "green vortex" 'nd Circles. Circles drops crop circles
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