And I thank You 4 givng me my "music" or death We are not a believers and sometimes we go slowly cause we don t know which were your beliefs ... "música e beijos"

Brains is electomagnetca 
Thought can not interfear with tha invisible magnetic field.. Of planeta senhor das Leis
Talvez nos encontremos em.. 
Pontevedra para estudar in loco a 
Concepcion arenal 
“Abrir escolas.- Pechar los cárceres”
En variation:
“We can not be sad”
"Pechar los carceres. Abride escolas" enjoy
We are Constroying the directeurs of the movie, Us the Projecteurs and earth's glitt
"They are destruying"
so "Guilty"

Em 26/12/2017 16:11, "Carla BentoAs esferas . Os Números . A Música
O circulo e a forma mais perfeita para mim significa o fogo e o flow continuum
Em 26/12/2017 16:03, "Carla escreveu:
Thought is everything.
Is Nopsphere
Tha magnetic field
It can be metherialize
The phenomenon of the unity of the subjective. Conscous experiences 
Tudo e electromagnetismo 
Fica bem 
"O universo quantico E Pensamento"... Inteligencia o que se manifesta.HEEC = "High Energy Emission Civilisations" detected at long range in the Milky Way Galaxy to date_Caplipso 1577
