beautiful people
Janis Joplin/Mick Jagger
Why was Woodstock meaning Subversion to americano government Cia has the "possible?" mission to became the world an non stable "place" For the first time, american youth was applying and reffusing to go to war, so little kids, can you see what A mouvement born in criativity, As Freedom Love and Peace was meaning for the most "belicist" armed country allegadly to defent higher values as Freedom Love and Peace "By Democracy" ... Say No. It s illegal the abortion. It s illegal the contra culture! It s illegal to have "my body" ... Stand Up and Fight 4your rights ... Whean reality was metamorphosis into the most higher Conceptions of Creation, keep rulling "Caos" and "Imagination" we don t like boring "books"
we are Lovers
we became
"Make art not war"
the anti burgeoise Cultural Revolution
Make Love not war"
or Brotherhood of the daughters
of the SUN
free yourself, the new pós punk wave theraphy
"!We came from the occult side of the moon"
water we need for the planet please
so .... could we analyse and study the incas and maias' civilizations to see if we can offer a drink to a kid, and make him smile ..... "Happyness is not to be found it s an "evil" state of Mind, evol rhyme Love between
Janis Joplin/Mick Jagger
Why was Woodstock meaning Subversion to americano government Cia has the "possible?" mission to became the world an non stable "place" For the first time, american youth was applying and reffusing to go to war, so little kids, can you see what A mouvement born in criativity, As Freedom Love and Peace was meaning for the most "belicist" armed country allegadly to defent higher values as Freedom Love and Peace "By Democracy" ... Say No. It s illegal the abortion. It s illegal the contra culture! It s illegal to have "my body" ... Stand Up and Fight 4your rights ... Whean reality was metamorphosis into the most higher Conceptions of Creation, keep rulling "Caos" and "Imagination" we don t like boring "books"
we are Lovers
we became
"Make art not war"
the anti burgeoise Cultural Revolution
Make Love not war"
or Brotherhood of the daughters
of the SUN
free yourself, the new pós punk wave theraphy
"!We came from the occult side of the moon"
water we need for the planet please
so .... could we analyse and study the incas and maias' civilizations to see if we can offer a drink to a kid, and make him smile ..... "Happyness is not to be found it s an "evil" state of Mind, evol rhyme Love between

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