Free Fairy Tale Of a "Pop" Godness, FábulA de uma deusa pop ...... Irrealidade e surrealismo é Assim que eu me sinto, desconecto-me e na escuridão do meu quarto, poucos livros, a imagema noir et blanc de mama et papa on marriage day ... they were Young and they could believe on an Eternal chaiN ... Vanda Sónia Natálio it was sub subversive with chocolate flavour U kan always get what You want .... hmmm, I am saying something monsieur Manolo Almeida kick her Ass !!! aNd on tha end offer her pink flowers and throught butterflies from your fingers oh, dieu pardon, It s not your kind ???? bien, quoi dire, posible with lots of emotionS in my universe where others deformations Edward Norton don t get realitet so NO ESSENCE NO FEELING NO BEING DIE IMORTAL ART CREATES IT S OWN ESSENCE ... Me, on tha land of tha freE after Doing my fick me revolutioN OH the northwellcome !!!!!!!!!!!!!! so fucking insane all night long rolliong like a rolling stone, and Yeahhh i always wanted to invade a stage by the front, some ltj bukem sound no control on me I GET IT .... DANCING TO DARK WALLS .... it s my subliminar way of feeling tha sounD Nuno Magalhães Nice to meet You, in the first day of mY life, on tha Revolution Day : i am a PUNKS NOT DEAD GIRL with attitude and Imagination to share .... delicatessen und intensidade ao mesmo tempo, Alguém me entende ??? Yahhh dalai lume .... na ultima vez viajei fora do tempo into tha light meio hoffman, em casa do frágil disse " táxi e devia ter dito ácido " .... "Tó Pica Toda a lei do pensamento é criativa.... yeahhh entendi, Hard club aka o Wonderground :) inspiration not imitation it s like this with friends Mee Costa taking u to the limits: to promote dirty noisy sound aka garage bands. CAUSE , GIRLS IT S ALL ABOUT DIE UNDERGROUND, SACRÉ .... WE DON T DEFORM, WE PROTECT ..... peace by Rita
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