I am the wonderground, get it .... bate leve levemente como chama por mim .... a chuva nao bate assim .... em mim ... i ve a DreaM and so what ??? peace in my mind ...... lost in the forest, getting a jam near the river, i can hear mother Earth beating ..... please Get some subliminar conexion cause i am a sensitive girl ... but that I can promise you, I make you smile all over, i take you to the karaoke, and sing to U portuguese rock so cool, identity I mean; let s go to the beach and do some castles in tha sand and we will be pure pure energy ... I WISH TO ALL MY FUCKING FRIENDS, UNREAL I AM TALKING ABOUT A HAPPY NEW YEAR, I VE A FEELING AND THIS WILL BE OUR DREAMS COME TRUE ....... I DEDICATED TO ALL THAT ARE A FREE MIND, NAO PENSES PELA CABEÇA DOS OUTROS OU IRAS VER QUE NAO CONSTRUISTE , NAO CRIASTE, NADA ....... É BOM SER O NADA DEPOIS DE CONHECER O TUDO ...... KAFKA ANNAANNANA LET S GO TO KATMANDU HAVE A TRIP INJECTION ..... OPIUM, DESIRE AND WILL AN ILLUMINATION BOUND, " EU FUMO OPIUM PORQUE VER PASSAR A VIDA FAZ ME TEDIO E ELEVA ME A OUTROS PATAMARES DO SUBCONSCIENTE " EU SEI LÁ, QUERO É RIR, TOTIL, FUMAR O MEU ZIGARRETEN, LOST ,LOST IN STARS .... KURT WEILL
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