Flirtting this "girls " all the movement i mean with pictures so cool on tha wall ... getting darker ...on Hard club, my first experience on a mithycal space of cosmique universe of higher levels of creational emotions flowing, to have and breathe and BE SENSUAL on tha party, is tha philosophy .... we can trust, my first time i Knew the old one, at the beginning, i don t go to a party since vitor ...rocha, glam disco, near the river :):) tha old was a master and has created lots of discipules ... ah, yeajjj yesterday the institution well " obliged " me to go out of lissabon, I wanted to see Na carne, my friend peter, is the teclas man; he call it na carla joking with me is gothic metal ... i wanted to go to the studi(a) to see them playing hmm strange bizarre tha institutions i love lissabon, i am a north girl, i speak puerto a trance girl also, monsieur ... so they buy me the ticket, if somenone has lend mne a tent i was going to the prision of monsanto, to rage against prisioner conditions, especially andoni hernandez, he was condemned a 12 years of prision, ok, that s all right, there s no logical on tha matter, he is vasque if theres is autorityu and government impositiion on pays basque c es t le meme que dire que quoi ??? pourquoi portugal he had kill somenone is that ???? so, why HE NEVER SAW HIS TWO DAUGHTERS ???? WHAT CRIME HAS HE COMMITED IN OUR COUNTRY ??? PLEASE GET OUT OF MY HEAD PLEASE THERE S NO PERMISSION TO ARTIFICIAL LAWS AND NORMS, THAT COMES "FIRST THAN FAMILY " WHAY ???? THEY ARE FRIENDS ???? HMM I AM CONFUSED, I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY CAUSE I COME FULL OF IDEAS, I WOULD NEVER COME YESTERDAY, HMMM I WILL LOSE SOME SPECIAL MOMENTS, I SAW HIM, ONCE TWICE I SMILE WITH HIS WALK AND HIS BODY AHHA COQUETTE I AM AND I LOVE FLIRTIING BOYS AND GIRLS, IT S SO FUNNY AND WE CAN GET OTHER DIMENSIONS OF NATURAL BORN KILLER FEELINGS .... I TOLD HIM THAT I WOULD GO WITH HIM TO EVERY PART OF THE WORLD ... SO BEAUTIFULL THE MOMENT, SECOND TIME, RITA, YEAHH .... IN BOOM 2002 WITH GMS SKAZI TALAMASCA INFECTED ? E PENA THE BEST OF ALL APOCALIPTICAL SET IT BEGANS TO RAIN Pedro Moura, at midnight we had a tea of different substances, just experiencing tha moment, tha people get so drunk that went to the tents, i wanted to see pena, has progressive taste, intelligentsia I mean, theres NO COPIES .... get it ????
and there was a boy at boom still:) on my Imaginarium talking with me so drunk i could not understand nothing at all but i was allmost dying of so much laugh, sometimes in my dark room or in tha forest, i thinlk i am going to dye of laughi...ng so hard and i like the idea ( people there are some test going on understand and monsieur ze pedro moura do u want to go to katmandu with me, just to feel, and do poetry art, i can get some bread and bread doesn t let us dye ... Vanduxa :):) on tha underground there s secrets to protect DO YOU GIRL RECONIZE TO PICA ??? UOU IT S LIKE POLITICAL POLICY TALKING .... GET IT ??? NO DEAR I LOVE LISSABON, GOSTO DE SURREALIZAR O CORPO, BODY EXPRESSION, NAS RUELAS "SEM SOL " PK NAO ENCONTRO CERTO POVO EM LADO NENHUM BEM, MAS EU SOU TEIMOSINHA FOI POR ISSO QUE "CONSEGUIMOS " a eternidade, pelo menos eu so morro se quiser .... e vou sempre para um sitio livre onde possa ler ir a raves e concertos de rock reggae e punk e ska :):):) wow i can see flkower s in my head, so nice energies from tha Boom boy on tha dancefloor ( Carla sampaio carla sampaio carla sampaio carla sampaio ) get there s some repetition going on, continue monsieur antonio rafael and let the polizei talk alone, I live already without autorithy and withou etat, i ve some fuck me sentences anarquists that follows reason and logical ...
okay ausente e tao tao demente la vai o maluco la vai ele a cantar, assim te chama toda essa gente e tu estas sempre ausente e nao te conseguem agarrar .... i would go with him, too i thought to myself to somewhere we feel adventure i can u...nderstand !!!!!! ...... Ya uma bacante de espirito incoerente pensamento coerente, é isso vanduxa, vamos receitar lhes serenal e xanas os infelizes é que tomam isso, ah meu deus, que tristeza ........ o que é feito da boemia da ribeira, zero ninguem, dois ou tres putos turisticos no esta se bem david gaspar ruizinho e reestante povo, cristina pereira, ha que fazer alguma coisa, professor jorge campos, fomos nos que demos a conhecer o tasco com caes vadios
Muito belos estes textos, plenos de subtilezas e de nuances estilísticas, ainda que exudando um certo clacissismo semântico.