Zé Pedro Moura y José Belo in sunshine ;) there s psy colours in my Filmic ImaginariuM !! I roll my last joint ... i ll go to the dealer ..... when maria will be legalize in my town, act local to develop think global .... he will be the first having a coffee shop ! I trust him. He was in jale with people who try to robber the bank of portugal in 76, after fascism fall ... bien, c est la vie .... SomethiNg is happening on thE Universe and I kan feel the flow, in creation ! I want to see U naked on tha dancefloor. Please, "my girls " can I touch You !!?? ski n to skin, the divinal touch of you get conexion : 911942988 I kan give U extra enrgie, I kan take it within Dream oN rave On still having tha smell of revolution in my head, nowon , I AM MIND READER .. oh dieu, Vampire I meaN !!!
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