wellcome guapo .... mis venas no terminan em mi mas si en la sagre unanime de los que luchan por la vida, el poesia, el pan de todos ...

hey " girl " I can feel Your revolutionary soul like a dark and caotic song ... wellcome to my universe .... I throught away butterflies, in pink .... blue the colour of tha sea, the colour of the sky ... I love you :) getting conexion with the cosmos, theres life on tha galaxies ...... but they also have the hability of disapearing while walking, they are already on tha planet, they go shopping also, have deformations on their feets and do simetric gestures ... at the same time ... they study Morrice musique je pense et je sens .... cest le techno , la teletransportation !!! he offer me Paris in an train station in Madrid ..... ya, real !!!!!!!!!!!! Besos
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