Real Unreal Ambiguous - test by Rita
^^^^ they are near. They use cheap perfum they call themselves the biggest " lyers" of humankind .... the origine, they want to governate oh they have a fake social interventional feeling to create fair societies ...but theres no logical in governments attitudes ,,, the poor and they push him more into crisis quoi faire ....dignity to fight tthey can not stop the voice of tha people !!! U are stupid and any habilities capcities do solve crisis situation ,,,
because your shit interests are others full of oil and plenty of money ... oh, dad i want more money please get what you produce !!!
foda-se sem tempo nem paciencia para mediocridades, comparativismos com repercussões na criação mundial digo eu : ) Regressei há 14 dias de uma Incursão Intragaláctica, In Sabar plantamos cogumelos mágicos e criamos telas gigantescas para oferecer ao Senhor dos Horizontes, que protege a arte ! Energia criou energia igual ^^^^ Carka Vera "parce que " je t Aime !!! cést la couleur Implosion explosion implosion explosion ....... Real Unreal Ambiguous Test :) fuck me !
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