19:22 future time darkness in my "new" room .... Emotions skin to skin, I can smell it so higher .... Tha moon is falling on the planet misterium magia and freedom.... It s a kind of a nice feeling, people going to the streets to make some noise! To protest against wild and dirty capitalism racism and fascisms .... No waiting get It ? Time has come, following my own intelligence. We must protect Morrison and Che, getting lost. Medieval spells to transform the Brotherwood into warewolfs. I laugh louder. In a Pide political police from salazar times, there s still in action believes I fake sound of democracy .... house ... he gives me wine and tell me about tortures, once in an hospital psy i felt the sleepy terapy, in real .. they lightned the room in tha middle of tha night the clic scares me and get some explosion in my inconscient ... so I ve believed, cause i could feel myself in a fantastique mood, out of this realitat. Younger so colourfull loving the wave ... so warewolf conscience, tha sky is electric blue, Amo-te. Rita in lost sound, telling a story about spies artistiques universe ... they try to manipulated art but it s Impossible mission, please some Sabotage .......... Get your voice on tha streets louder ..... le t s do a jam session of subconscients, misterium ... It rains, it makes me feeling thinking exploring YOU ! Get it maluco ?????
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