hey to whom are U talking about ??? oh get impressioned ahhaha du bist maluquinha maradinha (os) .... exi all over voussS, un mot de moi por les persones que vivent avec du exhibicionisme, pour impressioner Djs ..... shut the fucking up, can U understand Me ????? I am not interested and i can not remenber You Identificazione pour votre Underground ! ! NOt able for the microphones get It ???? U are xibattO !!! Y Kan not feel and breath and ImAGINE and understand higher levels of feeling, cause I love him you sun of tha bitch, get lost ....... du bist fascist, nazist ..... on trail .... continuE !!!! To whom have U been talkinG ??? Polizei ??? woW .... kill yourself ... 4 love ! ahahahahahha the revolution keeps On and On
hey to whom are U talking about ??? oh get impressioned ahhaha du bist maluquinha maradinha (os) .... exi all over voussS, un mot de moi por les persones que vivent avec du exhibicionisme, pour impressioner Djs ..... shut the fucking up, can U understand Me ????? I am not interested and i can not remenber You Identificazione pour votre Underground ! ! NOt able for the microphones get It ???? U are xibattO !!! Y Kan not feel and breath and ImAGINE and understand higher levels of feeling, cause I love him you sun of tha bitch, get lost ....... du bist fascist, nazist ..... on trail .... continuE !!!! To whom have U been talkinG ??? Polizei ??? woW .... kill yourself ... 4 love ! ahahahahahha the revolution keeps On and On
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