Good morning COreia !!!!!! Let s pay with education knowledge and products the defts to europe union okay, my people ... ??? They try to get it but they are so fucking dum people, cause they don t have any causes to fight for ... just oil oil and oil, second interests, economical ones ..... ya they say they rule and are the first country to fight against human rights violations oh really ??? to me, this Is garbage all over the universe, just .... fake conversation to little dunky people, please, thinking ahed ??? what s going on on portugal and greece and spain and paris and new york, it s people s voice and governments elected by people s vote, decision just a question of trust sometimes, are so fucking fear of manifestations on a democratic system (really () they answer with opression repression polizei ... quoi et quoi ??? Getting logical .... tha fall of l État, they sell Paris to the nazist s on the second world war ! getting where ??? Uau, I can introduce myself to my Underground, a kind of protection in a satanic view, they want art in tha planet after die apocalypse .... BOM DIA MUNDO !
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