Fina Flor do Entulho (Entrevista Radio Amplitude)

I believe in magic feelings ... A kinD of wild tendernesS between humans ! I love tha smell of revolution, it happens. All over the planet, no permisso for fascists ... Tha people makes some noise, for dignity. They want to stole everything, cause they are so fucking afraid ... Uau time, 4 xibatos. Identificazione ! To whom are U talking abou ? Yeahhh polizei. In universal desconstruction... What they do to Anne frank diary and christiane F meeting Bowie in berlin, she colapsed... so, a joint to develop my artistique vein, the blood is jumping. Wow, Rita in tha mix... What now ? Thjey told we in future times theres will be a repressive action in Art Alive Experiences, Ya tha drugs ... They want to arrest djs ... they must change namen ... to confused system. They are genial people creating to Immortalité that uses drugs to get higher on subconscient ... opium, Naked lunch, Katmandu Tha land of tha free Uau some arte de kallE !!! Bom dia Mundo colorido !
