" Os partidários da instrospecção não viam que o quea consciencia tem de especifico, é o seu conteúdo objectivo, as suas relações com a realidade objectiva e a sua determinação, simultanêamente biológica e social " ..... drawing some rainbow colours in my intelect and sensitiviness Getting out ! Cause You make me lost my soul in acid trips ... oh some nacional grasS ......... please don t waste monéee means and time with peace and legalize it people ... there are strange things happen in tha world .... u must investigate to get some conclusions !!! Alcohol is the higher cause of death in Portugal, and there s a lot of cases of agressivitY ..... violence .... and it s legal, cultural social and historical reasons, ok, I can understand it ... but I can not agree with proibicionist policies with marijuana ..... hey U do something and get some fucking action, go outside and have a blast ... oh there is divinal création
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