....... Sinto-te Puro - pure conscience et inconscient en code to find out some future invaders, l État I mean !!! Oh, we talk about Submission ! Whoo are these people ??? They investigate private lifes and they are here to smell secrets of djs, rats, in your own language ???? Nightmare .... You believe in his fake spiritualitÉ ? stoles ideas he has the cause of Antonio rafael, from Mão morta, a ...garage band .... that reminds Us some marxists causes, 4 a daY ... in betweeN ..the répitition get it ??? acid trip to medieval times and we find spells .... oh tha chyurch .... De qualquer forma nao acredito em deformações da Tua personalidade et ancient wisdom, talking to you zach, ya une autre fois ... Ich glaube nicht in das, assim não acontece. Without realité in my Universe .... Yeahhh, devant thinking cause I protect the "lizzard king and I can do anything " get it ???? Rita loving tha fucking Universal flow, higher levels of créatioN
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