^^^^* P Halo !!! kisses from Afeganisthan ... I woke up in tha morning, so blue, cold as winter blood jumping, thinking on You, your rainbow and dark universe, jump into my game please, I adore adore It, die flow, colective création ..... protecting tha Underground, growing up in colour, with the power of tha moon ...... they try to deform it, to manipulate Art .... Impossible, and I ask myself sometimes, in darker moments, if i believe more in création or in the artist .... sometimes the artist has some others preconceptions on a daily behavior and some view deformations also like cia and darling system ... look the mirror ... what ???? what s that ??? they attack the subconscient ... try to desorganized it .... transform a revolutionary soul into a fascist one .... ya nazism, it s all about it is ..... and try to aniquilate personality hey zach de la rocha, wake up ??? if u trust them, U are fucked Up in real, believe Me or not ???' OH, i want a joint to relax my mind and read some "garbage " to solve some problems to humankind, my ideas, get it never read it before no one talks about it with me It s my fascinant mind, in fiction, every person is free to believe in what they want ... stepping in tha roof of my mind, and ... UUUuúuuU junkie boy tha way to katmandu .... It s all about the way u wanna hear your feelings !! get it ???? Yeahhhh rock and roll attitude siempre, Luta ou Muerte !!! ...... Rita trying to find out if european union is a democratic institution to get stronger or a way of getting superior ... because of money ! hey angela, to me you are GARBAGE ... Go home, and left Rammstein aline ... alles klan ???
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