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"History is hard to know, because of all the hired bullshit." -- Hunter S. Thompson ["The CIA is not an omniscient, monolithic organization, and there's no hard evidence that it engineered a great LSD conspiracy. (As in most conspiracy theories, such a scenario vastly overestimates the sophistication of the alleged perpetrator.)"] *** Burroughs was acutely aware of the darker side of American politics, and he had some ominous premonitions about the impending psychedelic revolution. Despite rampant enthusiasm for hallucinogens among his peers, he suspected that sinister forces were also interested in these drugs and that Leary and his sidekicks might be playing right into their hands. Burroughs feared that psychedelics could be used to control rather than liberate the vision-starved masses. He understood that the seeker of enlightenment was especially vulnerable to manipulation from without, and he sounded an urgent warning to this effect in the opening passages of Nova Express, published in 1964. At the immediate risk of finding myself the most unpopular character of all fiction -- and history is fiction -- I must say this. Bring together state of news -- Inquire onward from state to doer -- Who monopolized Immortality! Who monopolized Cosmic Consciousness! Who monopolized Love Sex and Dream! Who monopolized Time Life and Fortune! Who took from you what is yours! ... Listen: Their Garden of Delights is a terminal sewer.... Their Immortality Cosmic Consciousness and Love is second-run grade-B shit.... Stay out of the Garden of Delights.... Throw back their ersatz Immortality.... Flush their drug kicks down the drain -- They are poisoning and monopolizing the hallucinogenic drugs -- learn to make it without any chemical corn.
"History is hard to know, because of all the hired bullshit." -- Hunter S. Thompson ["The CIA is not an omniscient, monolithic organization, and there's no hard evidence that it engineered a great LSD conspiracy. (As in most conspiracy theories, such a scenario vastly overestimates the sophistication of the alleged perpetrator.)"] *** Burroughs was acutely aware of the darker side of American politics, and he had some ominous premonitions about the impending psychedelic revolution. Despite rampant enthusiasm for hallucinogens among his peers, he suspected that sinister forces were also interested in these drugs and that Leary and his sidekicks might be playing right into their hands. Burroughs feared that psychedelics could be used to control rather than liberate the vision-starved masses. He understood that the seeker of enlightenment was especially vulnerable to manipulation from without, and he sounded an urgent warning to this effect in the opening passages of Nova Express, published in 1964. At the immediate risk of finding myself the most unpopular character of all fiction -- and history is fiction -- I must say this. Bring together state of news -- Inquire onward from state to doer -- Who monopolized Immortality! Who monopolized Cosmic Consciousness! Who monopolized Love Sex and Dream! Who monopolized Time Life and Fortune! Who took from you what is yours! ... Listen: Their Garden of Delights is a terminal sewer.... Their Immortality Cosmic Consciousness and Love is second-run grade-B shit.... Stay out of the Garden of Delights.... Throw back their ersatz Immortality.... Flush their drug kicks down the drain -- They are poisoning and monopolizing the hallucinogenic drugs -- learn to make it without any chemical corn.
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The National Security Agency Is A Criminal Organization, By Paul Craig Roberts, January 17, 2019 "Information Clearing House "NorthKorea16
The National Security Agency Is A Criminal Organization, By Paul Craig Roberts, January 17, 2019 "Information Clearing House "NorthKorea16
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REFORMING INTELLIGENCE: OBSTACLES TO DEMOCRATIC CONTROL AND EFFECTIVENESSparticipation-and-democratic-theory_5eccd2e5097c47770a8b4e2f (1).
REFORMING INTELLIGENCE: OBSTACLES TO DEMOCRATIC CONTROL AND EFFECTIVENESSparticipation-and-democratic-theory_5eccd2e5097c47770a8b4e2f (1).
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leonardo_dicaprio___the_revenant_by_edward0110_da71rlu-fullview.A Spiritual "ThiNg" body mind and SOUL 313i
leonardo_dicaprio___the_revenant_by_edward0110_da71rlu-fullview.A Spiritual "ThiNg" body mind and SOUL 313i
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"Nous voyons la main du Grand Esprit dans presque tout: le soleil, la lune, les arbres, le vent et les montagnes; parfois nous l'approchons par leur intermédiaire. (...) Nous croyons en l'Etre Suprême, d'une foi bien plus forte que celle de bien des Blancs qui nous ont traité de païens... Les Indiens vivant près de la nature et du Maître de la nature ne vivent pas dans l'obscurité.
"Nous voyons la main du Grand Esprit dans presque tout: le soleil, la lune, les arbres, le vent et les montagnes; parfois nous l'approchons par leur intermédiaire. (...) Nous croyons en l'Etre Suprême, d'une foi bien plus forte que celle de bien des Blancs qui nous ont traité de païens... Les Indiens vivant près de la nature et du Maître de la nature ne vivent pas dans l'obscurité.
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indiens (6) Nous le savons: la terre n'appartient pas à l'homme, c'est l'homme qui appartient à la terre. Nous le savons: toutes choses sont liées. Tout ce qui arrive à la terre arrive aux fils de la terre. L'homme n'a pas tissé la toile de la vie, il n'est qu'un fil de tissu. Tout ce qu'il fait à la toile, il le fait à lui-même." Seattle, chef indien Suquamish
indiens (6) Nous le savons: la terre n'appartient pas à l'homme, c'est l'homme qui appartient à la terre. Nous le savons: toutes choses sont liées. Tout ce qui arrive à la terre arrive aux fils de la terre. L'homme n'a pas tissé la toile de la vie, il n'est qu'un fil de tissu. Tout ce qu'il fait à la toile, il le fait à lui-même." Seattle, chef indien Suquamish
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indiens (52)"Nous aimons la tranquillité; nous laissons la souris jouer en paix; quand les bois frémissent sous le vent, nous n'avons pas peur." Chef indien au gouverneur de Pennsylvanie en 1796
indiens (52)"Nous aimons la tranquillité; nous laissons la souris jouer en paix; quand les bois frémissent sous le vent, nous n'avons pas peur." Chef indien au gouverneur de Pennsylvanie en 1796
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220px-Viagem_Alucinante_2009 agentes do caos lançam olhares ardentes a qualquer coisa ou pessoa capaz de suportar
220px-Viagem_Alucinante_2009 agentes do caos lançam olhares ardentes a qualquer coisa ou pessoa capaz de suportar
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So Get Up_ O Pensamento regressa à Origem!!! Está a Acontecer uma Revolução ... "musical" cut poem arte Sabotagem; terrorismo Poético e A Outra Cena Da Alma "Tudo na Natureza, inclusivé a Consciência é Perfeitamente: REAL"!
So Get Up_ O Pensamento regressa à Origem!!! Está a Acontecer uma Revolução ... "musical" cut poem arte Sabotagem; terrorismo Poético e A Outra Cena Da Alma "Tudo na Natureza, inclusivé a Consciência é Perfeitamente: REAL"!
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VH1 "connecteur between worlds" spirals girls A realidade está a progredir em espirais _ A desconstrução matemática do Universo obedece à Lei da Geometria Sentir é tudo de todas as maneiras "O mestre das Cerimónias"!!!L.C. arteVerso Vertigo 2077 "space odity" under Your control "bodie's Submission"
VH1 "connecteur between worlds" spirals girls A realidade está a progredir em espirais _ A desconstrução matemática do Universo obedece à Lei da Geometria Sentir é tudo de todas as maneiras "O mestre das Cerimónias"!!!L.C. arteVerso Vertigo 2077 "space odity" under Your control "bodie's Submission"
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"táxi e devia ter dito ácido" journey!!in my inner circle of mind Make Love Not War Make Art not War
"táxi e devia ter dito ácido" journey!!in my inner circle of mind Make Love Not War Make Art not War
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