zppaldef_0164_resize*_ 1200 × 797As imagens podem estar sujeitas a direitos de autor. Saiba mais:(o rapper Luaty Beirão quando foi preso por conspiração "ele"e outro irmão... "Estavam Em "Associação"_ RUAS E PAREDES DE LISBOA (OUTUBRO DE 2015) – EPHEMERA – Biblioteca ;_ Mural
zppaldef_0164_resize*_ 1200 × 797As imagens podem estar sujeitas a direitos de autor. Saiba mais:(o rapper Luaty Beirão quando foi preso por conspiração "ele"e outro irmão... "Estavam Em "Associação"_ RUAS E PAREDES DE LISBOA (OUTUBRO DE 2015) – EPHEMERA – Biblioteca ;_ Mural
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Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. #courage #quote
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. #courage #quote
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prophetic-treatment-of-enemies-768x_"Contrived Knowledge" Non correspondence to the "Needs" and "Deepness" of Human Mind_We are bio psychs comunal beings Respekt our prophets and Share mankind says thank you "principles imposing god as a political "Goulart
prophetic-treatment-of-enemies-768x_"Contrived Knowledge" Non correspondence to the "Needs" and "Deepness" of Human Mind_We are bio psychs comunal beings Respekt our prophets and Share mankind says thank you "principles imposing god as a political "Goulart
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Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery None but ourselves can ... Whisper Have no fear for atomic energy, 'Cause none of them a can a stop a the time. How long shall they kill our prophets
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery None but ourselves can ... Whisper Have no fear for atomic energy, 'Cause none of them a can a stop a the time. How long shall they kill our prophets
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Sea-Watch captain arrested after entering Italy port_ they are arresting Human Activist_ captain from the ONG Sea Watch is accused of Crime ocf war by polizia italian_ 4 Saving migrants we need creatif help_Lampeduza_Italy
Sea-Watch captain arrested after entering Italy port_ they are arresting Human Activist_ captain from the ONG Sea Watch is accused of Crime ocf war by polizia italian_ 4 Saving migrants we need creatif help_Lampeduza_Italy
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Vénus Em Chamas:_23.04.45.99' *"Echo Orbit" music from the Spheres and the cells system is sinergia_ or psychis the sound getting physical_ "Sound is Real" _ registered rights reserved On_ Share and Keep the Frequency Keep control on Vénus filles_ "who s your enermy" not music not me_ The Universe is flowing and we are Becoming Reality_ "Music" the deepes meaning for Humankind planetarium.... "Menthal insight"_ i read poetica
Vénus Em Chamas:_23.04.45.99' *"Echo Orbit" music from the Spheres and the cells system is sinergia_ or psychis the sound getting physical_ "Sound is Real" _ registered rights reserved On_ Share and Keep the Frequency Keep control on Vénus filles_ "who s your enermy" not music not me_ The Universe is flowing and we are Becoming Reality_ "Music" the deepes meaning for Humankind planetarium.... "Menthal insight"_ i read poetica
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Images(1) _photograph Reality _the inner mind or Energie Power of Expressivity_ HI "Mèxico Border"_ The Great Designer Stephen Hawkings and,,, moi_ Youth can never die_ Lov message.... "Slim"_ running without time? main key or "Immortality" the atheist concept 4 "Eternity"_ world world connectin' soul_ and the improbablitu of the death of Counsciousness or Imaginative "Direct" Sensations we get "Subjectivity"_ Dean "clean"
Images(1) _photograph Reality _the inner mind or Energie Power of Expressivity_ HI "Mèxico Border"_ The Great Designer Stephen Hawkings and,,, moi_ Youth can never die_ Lov message.... "Slim"_ running without time? main key or "Immortality" the atheist concept 4 "Eternity"_ world world connectin' soul_ and the improbablitu of the death of Counsciousness or Imaginative "Direct" Sensations we get "Subjectivity"_ Dean "clean"
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Icon_ James Dean James Dean __ rebelds "without a cause"_ i could Never Forget The strange we met_ clean waters:_Play that song i will dance for you my body ...Keeps* on dancing for the one i love_ My mind holds the key
Icon_ James Dean James Dean __ rebelds "without a cause"_ i could Never Forget The strange we met_ clean waters:_Play that song i will dance for you my body ...Keeps* on dancing for the one i love_ My mind holds the key
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Beauty Paranoia:_.. Ian is smokin' a cigar... "Abstracção E Representação";:___ the powerfull energy of Expressivity Death can dance "Nd" Youth will never DIE_ "exploited" from the Lunar dimension of Création_tha "bass" main line like a free wild mind or .... Desire what gives authenticity to the Unconscious Colective_ The Last Level of astrophysics, "i got to workd" i hopy ui you like it_ We call from coquette "mad girls"_ all you want all you need all you Love_ "truth"_ thank you
Beauty Paranoia:_.. Ian is smokin' a cigar... "Abstracção E Representação";:___ the powerfull energy of Expressivity Death can dance "Nd" Youth will never DIE_ "exploited" from the Lunar dimension of Création_tha "bass" main line like a free wild mind or .... Desire what gives authenticity to the Unconscious Colective_ The Last Level of astrophysics, "i got to workd" i hopy ui you like it_ We call from coquette "mad girls"_ all you want all you need all you Love_ "truth"_ thank you
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_"estratosfera"_ I am IN_ by a binocolous i will see you on higher mountains and deepest Circles "it s Inner"_Couche de l’atmosphère. Stratosphère_ Project "you" ... babe Hey i need your soul i lov you so_ I could make you a brillant _ Star_ Mind_ Everything has thought for the human propertie of being A :_ Thinker_ mulheres que fazem A História_ Create you_ Space ship we cand not be slaves in Love_ In the Name of the Highest Truth or the twenty "FOUR" Illusion please
_"estratosfera"_ I am IN_ by a binocolous i will see you on higher mountains and deepest Circles "it s Inner"_Couche de l’atmosphère. Stratosphère_ Project "you" ... babe Hey i need your soul i lov you so_ I could make you a brillant _ Star_ Mind_ Everything has thought for the human propertie of being A :_ Thinker_ mulheres que fazem A História_ Create you_ Space ship we cand not be slaves in Love_ In the Name of the Highest Truth or the twenty "FOUR" Illusion please
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ASIAN DUB FOUNDATION feat. Naga - ZIG ZAG NATION _4 The.... Counsciousness... Of... the Nation... the sounds of Asian Dub Foundation_ Hi México_ Joy Division article2_ rights supressed? Eu prendo te em nome da lei_ "EU SUPRIMO TE EM NOME DA LIBERDADE" read instead_ following the sounds energia_ "Colours shotting everywhera"_zig zag nation ft NAGA _ or the beat of _ Asian Dub Foundation Cards against humanity is invading the mexico border: estão a cultivar "Pot"#_ Legalizin' my real time_ my heart beatting fast why_'2020'
ASIAN DUB FOUNDATION feat. Naga - ZIG ZAG NATION _4 The.... Counsciousness... Of... the Nation... the sounds of Asian Dub Foundation_ Hi México_ Joy Division article2_ rights supressed? Eu prendo te em nome da lei_ "EU SUPRIMO TE EM NOME DA LIBERDADE" read instead_ following the sounds energia_ "Colours shotting everywhera"_zig zag nation ft NAGA _ or the beat of _ Asian Dub Foundation Cards against humanity is invading the mexico border: estão a cultivar "Pot"#_ Legalizin' my real time_ my heart beatting fast why_'2020'
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killing in the name of Noam Chomsky Quotes 26 de junho de 2013 às 07:42 · But governments will use whatever technology is available to them to combat their primary enemy – which is their own population. Noam Chomsky_ el imagene contiene tres personas_tag a human
killing in the name of Noam Chomsky Quotes 26 de junho de 2013 às 07:42 · But governments will use whatever technology is available to them to combat their primary enemy – which is their own population. Noam Chomsky_ el imagene contiene tres personas_tag a human
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Manifesto cor de rosa anti-fascista_ NI dictadura Ni Democracia Vive L' Anarchia!!!! Us the projected Us the projecteurs
Manifesto cor de rosa anti-fascista_ NI dictadura Ni Democracia Vive L' Anarchia!!!! Us the projected Us the projecteurs
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do tédio ao imprevisível_____!!!!_ Hi "Slim"_ We came in Peace to offer spirals and orange blue brain vortex_ We walk slowly not to be against the law of gravity_ We protect Criativity_ "or mind"__ Mais longe do que o Pensmento_ Elevar o nível real fazer transcender o Sonho em mito Supranatural_ Naturalizante e naturante "tu" _obrigada Fim do telejornal Boa tarde hoje é quarta feira_
do tédio ao imprevisível_____!!!!_ Hi "Slim"_ We came in Peace to offer spirals and orange blue brain vortex_ We walk slowly not to be against the law of gravity_ We protect Criativity_ "or mind"__ Mais longe do que o Pensmento_ Elevar o nível real fazer transcender o Sonho em mito Supranatural_ Naturalizante e naturante "tu" _obrigada Fim do telejornal Boa tarde hoje é quarta feira_
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- Outras aplicações O nascimento do movimento 22 de março, a explosão poético-mural, as manifestações contra a guerra do Vietname, as barricadas em Paris… Tinha começado o Maio de 68. Por Daniel Bensaïd._MAIO 68 O nascimento do movimento 22 de março, a explosão poético-mural, as manifestações contra a guerra do Vietname, as barricadas em Paris… Tinha começado o Maio de 68. Por Daniel Bensaïd._MAIO 68
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_outras palavras:*:_Cinquenta anos depois, é ainda mais necessário examinar um movimento que indicou o esgotamento do capitalismo mas inspirou a "renovação" pós-moderna do sistema
_outras palavras:*:_Cinquenta anos depois, é ainda mais necessário examinar um movimento que indicou o esgotamento do capitalismo mas inspirou a "renovação" pós-moderna do sistema
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7245_Os mitos dadaístas e anarquistas na política e na arte aterram, com a Internacional Situacionista, em Paris, no Maio 68.
7245_Os mitos dadaístas e anarquistas na política e na arte aterram, com a Internacional Situacionista, em Paris, no Maio 68.
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Light_dispersion_conceptual_waves (1)_ Zona a Defender_ ZAD IS NOW EVERYWHERE_ "Telejornal das cinco"_ olá, eu sou a Rita
Light_dispersion_conceptual_waves (1)_ Zona a Defender_ ZAD IS NOW EVERYWHERE_ "Telejornal das cinco"_ olá, eu sou a Rita
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Vive L' Anarchie_ We don t want to be sedated _ A Ramone's attitude girl_ "You got it your u don t"_ walk *in* free
Vive L' Anarchie_ We don t want to be sedated _ A Ramone's attitude girl_ "You got it your u don t"_ walk *in* free
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